Do you desire a whiter, brighter smile? Have you determined that teeth whitening is not a viable option for you?

Dr. Matthew Warner of Willoughby Dental can help. He offers other cosmetic treatments that can mask stains and discoloration instead of lightening the teeth. During a one-on-one consultation, Dr. Warner can evaluate the affected tooth or teeth and recommend the most suitable treatment option.

Cover Up Stains or Discoloration with Dental Bonding

For small stains or discoloration that cannot be improved with conventional whitening products or treatment, Dr. Warner may suggest covering up the imperfections with a tooth-colored dental bonding material.

Bonding is a quick and cost-effective way to address aesthetic concerns in one dental appointment. Also, it does not require the removal of any natural tooth enamel, so the treatment can be reversed if you do not like your results.

First, Dr. Warner will select the color of the composite resin bonding material to closely match the shade of your surrounding healthy teeth. Next, he will paint the bonding material onto your affected tooth or teeth, carefully covering up discoloration. Then, he will shape and sculpt the material so it resembles the texture of your tooth. Finally, he will harden the material with a special light and finish by polishing it.

After bonding treatment, the stains or discoloration should be virtually undetectable.

Consider a Set of Porcelain Veneers or Crowns

Another way to cover up stains and discoloration rather than lighten them is to place porcelain veneers or crowns over the affected teeth. This may be a good option if those teeth have other imperfections, such as uneven edges, small chips or cracks. Veneers are thin pieces of shells that go over the front of the teeth to improve their appearance; crowns recreate the entire exterior of the teeth.

Placing porcelain veneers or crowns generally requires two or more dental visits. During the first visit, Dr. Warner will fit you for your veneers or crowns and prepare the teeth receiving the restorations. He will take impressions of the affected teeth and determine the size, shape and shade of the restorations; then, he will send this information to the dental laboratory that constructs your restorations.

Once your personalized veneers or crowns are ready, you will return for your second appointment. Dr. Warner will cover the affected teeth with the veneers or crowns and bond them into place. The restorations should completely cover up the tooth stains or discoloration.

Because the process of placing veneers or crowns requires modifying the natural tooth structure, treatment is not reversible. The treated teeth must always be covered with a restoration.

For more information about your teeth whitening alternatives, and other ways to achieve a dazzling smile, schedule a consultation at Willoughby Dental.